Hey, my name is Joy, that's short for Joyce, Dekiit Joyce fyi.
I'm a silly brazilian trans woman, and this is my blog (duuh)

This is how I see myself and so thats the image I'm creating about my self. A little silly goth who likes tech, cinema, autosports, architecture and a lot more. Welcome to the place where I scream to the walls about things I like, hate or want to criticise
I'm kind of sick of the so called "new web", and I am super nostalgic for old websites from when the internet was the 'digital agora', where you had to browse between sites to find information and could find cool, original e stylish communities for every topic imaginable. So I'm using my skills on web development to pretend that I'm living in the promissed future we never got. I'm obsessed with 80s, 90s and early 2000s aesthetic groups, especially with the vaporwave community that apeared around the 2010's, with their far-fetched aesthetics on music, design and style. It kind of mash some of those things that I've said earlier that I like, some 80s pop music mixed to a ephemeral, dream like, way. The 90s web desing with html sites using gifs that would take ages to load on older internet access, the 3D incorporated wherever possible 'cus its cool and have depth...

Anyway, I loved the style so I'm here taking inspiration to create my own site where I'll try to talk about what I'm currently working on.
"Ok, but why did you make this blog?"
I consider myself as beeing very creative, and maybe a dreamer, so all my ideas have a greatness attached to it on ther roots. Which means I'm usually getting frustrated when I can't do something all by myself the way that I wanted, so my therapist told me to start doing something easier and have a more clear start-to-finish way and that I could maybe do by myself so I don't get really frustrated whilst still growing my skills and exploring what I like that may or may not be feasible in a larger scale project.
A little bit more about me, me and me
I really like a lot of different stuff, sometimes contradictory even. I really enjoy cars, specially 90s sport sedans and coupès, the real melted cheese design of the late 90s. My favorite and dream car is a 1996 Ford Taurus, maybe a SHO although those weren't sold here in Brazil back in the day... I really want a dark blue one, with the cloth seats (since I'm vegetarian, and I don't consume leather products) It is my dream car, although its not really a hard to get dream. But I really want a mint condition one, with less that 100k miles, and those are getting harder and harder to find, specially here where they are considred an import.

I hate that north americans don't value them, and they became a meme recently (I wish I was Ford Taurused), because I'd really like one for me. And I hate automatic cars, and for me that's the only down point for them. I don't even mind it beeing FWD (although it'd be perfect if it was RWD), but the auto shift is a bummer.
I really lost myself back there with the Taurus stuff didn't I? Yeah, I'm on the spectrum btw and often times I info dump about my personal passions and stuff...
What else can I say? I'm currently working on a startup based in my home town, that I love. We develop a vms management system on cloud that work with some interesting AI analytics and automation. It's a pretty niche but interesting area that merges toghter a lot of my favotite things in Computer Science like web development front and back end, database management, s3 buckets et al. It's a great job and I've learned a ton so far about real life web apps, system archtecture, network bootlenecks and the MVC development models. I've started PHP development with codeigniter framework, and now I'm working with Laravel, and I'll tell you what, I became a real enthusiast of the framework since then.

I love it here because it's a cozy manageble enviroment, where people really take your opinions into consideration, something that I imagine its not the case on larger companies, specially tech ones, although its just my personal assumption as I've never worked for a large comphany myself.