Wake up! The new GTA VI trailer just dropped in Yo!
What can I say apart from The hype is real I've spent an hour yesterday when a friend text me teling me that the trailer got leaked and 5 minutes later Rockstar twitted saying that since the trailer got leaked they would release it to the public so everyone could watch the real deal and boy... It was worth all the wait. Definetedly. And no one can prove me otherwise.

The first thought on my mind was "Is this even Grand Theft Auto??" Apart from some animations most of the game looks life like on the trailer, and that's a lot. I still remember watching the first GTA V trailer and having a very similar feeling back then, but now when I last watched it, the aging was obvious. And of course the first trailer was done with an unfinished version of the game, with some older assets from previous games and many things changed between the recording and the publish of the final game, a game that saw 3 different gamming console generations as well and evolved in this time. More impressive than the first GTA V trailer, at least for me, is the GTA V PC version trailer. Where we could see a lot more of details implemented to the game. All of this just to say that, if the trailer is already as stunning as is, and with a release date in 2025, it will probably be perfection and considering that they have a very good time for finish polishing I guarantee definetedly be a revolution on games, or at the very least on the GTA saga. (And I'm not even talking about the new main characters)
The trailer confirms some of the leaks we had so far, like Lucia starting on the penitentiary that was in one of the inside leaks. The fact that there are two protagonist that are in some sort of relationship and stuff. But something that I found to be a really subtle reference was on the joker-like guy, I haven't seen anyone commenting about it recently, but if you pay close attention to the news headline that appears on this part it is in spanish, what could confirm the leaks and expectations of having a different part of the game that happens in a lore-friendly Cuba, like Cayo Perico from GTA Online. Although personally I believe that Rockstar would most likely use this opportunity to extend more the universe rather than using something like a remaster of Cayo Perico, but that's just speculation from my part.

posted on 05/12/23 - 18:43